Willkomen in Paradis (2012)
Large format projections show four short films about homelessness, about escape and places where cultures and lifestyles meet or cross one another-ing. At the train station in Istanbul harem or at Hermann Platz Berlin. On the highway in Mexico City. What is the end? And who seek paradise today? Today, the old word which means “paradise” in the middle of Neukölln? Additional slide projections thematize the human body. Scraps of X-ray images superimposed layers of foil or painted with figures of color. Übermalte landscapes. Our body is the actual place where we are? As an initial and a final stop? Two films “Hermanplatz” and “bus station Harem” and the photographs come from without spoken language, even without noise and act as silent pictures lyrical essays Caturellis not answer questions with a sense impression and with a set.